What You Didn’t Know About the Benefits and Risks of Working Remotely
Once, the key drivers for telecommuting were about productivity and flexibility—the so-called “work-life balance” that many workers strive for. Those “soft benefits” still exist, but, increasingly, financial considerations such as gas prices, the credit crisis and hard cost savings are driving telecommuting programs.
There are many positives for telecommuting programs as it helps companies strengthen the loyalty of their workers. But in today’s world of BYOD, the phenomenal popularity of consumer smartphones and tablets—most notably iOS and Google® Android® devices—has positioned these devices as powerful platforms for mobile business and academic computing.
Whether driven by hard or soft benefits, telecommuting programs have one core requirement: give mobile employees secure access to corporate networks, applications and data. For workers at remote sites, IT and corporate security managers must select secure remote access technologies to make telecommuting not just viable, but safe.
Here is an overview of the top five business and technology trends in telecommuting.
“It’s been a perfect storm. Rising gas prices, leading-edge technology, and the push for work-life flexibility have all come together in the past 12 months to create a pretty dramatic increase in telework across the U.S. and Canada.1”
#1: Reining in operating expenses
In the big picture, telecommuters help companies lower their operating costs. When telecommuters use their own space, power and cooling to work from home, savvy employers adjust their facilities practices to pocket that savings.
“Hot desking’ involves one desk shared between several people who use the desk at different times. A primary motivation for hot desking is cost reduction through space savings—up to 30% in some cases.2”
The Canadian Telework Association (CTA) puts some numbers to the “hot desking” phenomenon, suggesting that employers need one less office for every three telecommuters or about $2,000 per teleworker per year. AT&T saved $550 million by eliminating or consolidating office space ($3,000 per office) through its telework program, CTA states. About 25% of IBM’s 320,000 workers worldwide telecommute from home offices, saving $700 million in real estate costs, per the CTA.
37% of IT workers say they’d accept up to a 10% lower salary to work full-time from home.3
#2 Business trend: working “green”
A company’s carbon footprint includes employee business travel by car, airplane, rail and other public transportation. Energy for heating, cooling and electricity also count. Carbon emissions from consuming goods and services also may be included. Fortunately for the environment, going “green” often reduces both carbon footprints and costs.
How does telecommuting affect carbon footprints? In many cases, telecommuters are simply shifting energy consumption from the employer’s building to their own homes. A 2011 Telework Research Network study reports that twice-weekly telework by Canadian workers could save 5.2 million barrels of oil4.
New applications such as wikis and VoIP are key enablers of online collaboration so that employees don’t have to be in the same location to work together. For telecommuters, remote collaboration is a huge productivity gain, as proven by the growth of web conferencing for meetings. Today web meetings have become commonplace within companies that have distributed workforces, whether in remote offices or home offices. Web meetings not only boost collaboration but keep remote workers from feeling isolated from central office contact.
In terms of office culture, outsourcing and extended supply chains have given many organizations new lessons in real-time collaboration—online or by phone—with suppliers, partners and outsourcers. Now employees can apply those skills to collaborate with each other remotely.
#3 Technology trend: accessing broadband everywhere
As the number of homes with broadband Internet access grows, working from home has become more viable. Telecommuters can work more effectively with broadband connections because enterprise applications run closer to real-time when accessed over a fast connection instead of dial-up. Broadband also makes VoIP (Voice over IP, or Internet phone) and other bandwidth-hungry new applications viable when they would not be with a slower connection.
Gartner reports worldwide mobile connections have reached 5.6 billion in 2011.5
#4 Technology trend: Consumerization of IT
The consumerization of IT means that most of the new technologies enterprises are currently adopting for their information systems have roots in consumer applications. Falling prices and greater horsepower of consumer smartphones (e.g., Apple® iPhone®, Google Android® and Windows® Phone 7), tablets devices, as well as laptop computers, have put the technology of telecommuting within the reach of many organizations and their workers.
One pollfrom InformationWeek, said that 70% of respondents admitted to accessing corporate data over wireless—posing a great concern for network security. Smartphones issued by corporate IT typically are more likely to be configured to access the corporate network securely. However, most smartphones are typically owned by the employee and then used to access the company network for work. Both types of devices open corporate networks to new threats, not the least of which is that small devices are easier to lose than larger ones. Moreover, applications on these devices can act as a conduit for threats, sap productivity and consume available bandwidth, and therefore must be controlled.
Not to mention that IT departments are responsible for smartphones despite not having control over them. InformationWeek found that “82% of smartphone owners said they use their devices to read business email, 80% surfed corporate web sites, and 61% accessed enterprise data.”
#5 Protecting against more sophisticated threats
No longer are culprits of hacking simply brilliant teens or other amateurs. Organized crime has moved into the Internet age. To growing hacker sophistication, add the reality that tough economic times force companies to cut their work forces, potentially creating a new class of security threats: disgruntled ex-employees. What if those unhappy ex-employees become potential partners to professional hackers?
Secure Sockets Layer virtual private networks (SSL VPNs) form the basic security requirement for secure telecommuting, and also address the growing sophistication of hacker attacks and the organizations behind them. Telecommuting, which on the surface might seem to open new security vulnerabilities, should not, if enterprises insist on secure remote access technology. Not only are attacks on networks growing more sophisticated, but the cyber-criminals are become more sophisticated in organizing themselves.
A Clean VPN approach establishes intelligent layers of secure remote access, gateway firewall, and policy control by integrating SSL VPN and Next-Generation Firewalls. To be practically effective, a Clean VPN must be able to:
- Detect the integrity of users, endpoints and traffic from beyond the traditional network perimeter.
- Protect applications and resources against unauthorized access and malware attacks.
- Connect authorized users with appropriate resources seamlessly and easily in real time.
SonicWALL® has strategically positioned itself as an industry leader in pioneering Clean VPN technology solutions for organizations of all sizes by enabling the managed integration of its award-winning Secure Remote Access, Next-Generation Firewall and Global Management System product lines. SonicWALL Clean VPN™ delivers the critical dual protection of SSL VPN and high-performance Next-Generation Firewall necessary to secure both VPN access and traffic. The multi-layered protection of Clean VPN enables organizations to decrypt and scan for malware on all authorized SSL VPN traffic before it enters the network environment. SonicWALL Clean VPN supports Apple® Mac OS®, iOS, Linux®, Google Android®, Microsoft® Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile platforms.
The technology enablers of telecommuting include reliable secure remote access, wider access to high-speed broadband Internet, new collaborative applications, and the popularity of smartphones and tablets, as well as escalating gas prices and the original push from employees seeking better balance between their work and family lives. Trends in both business and technology are increasingly making telecommuting a reality.
- Anne C. Ruddy, president, WorldatWork (August 2008)
- “Hot desking,” Wikipedia,
- The Dice Report, June 2008.
- Source: (pg. 12)
This is a guest post written by Matthew Dieckman on behalf of .